Light Commercial vehicles
The range of OCAP products destined to the commercial vehicles market can be divided into three main families: components for the suspension system, components for the steering system and components belonging to the antiroll system. What is in most cases common to all the families is the presence on the various components of one or more ball joints, either integrated or non.
Trucks and buses
OCAP core business is indeed the design and production of ball joints in compliance with the technical specifications of the single manufacturers of trucks and buses or with internationally recognized norms. In particular, with reference to this specific sector and to the application type, the solutions developed by OCAP require the use of joints with spheres whose diameter varies from 27 to 90 mm using bearings realized in plastic, steel, self-lubricating and heterogeneous material.Here below the range of products suitable for trucks and buses designed and produced by OCAP.
Special vehicles
OCAP core business is the design and production of ball joints in compliance with the technical specifications of the single manufacturers of self-propelled vehicles or with internationally recognized norms.
The components thus designed and produced find their application not only in the field of passenger cars, commercial vehicles, trucks and buses, tractors and earth-moving machines, but also in that of special vehicles and wherever the presence of ball joints is required.
In the course of time OCAP has developed steering and suspension products for race cars (both for track and rally competitions), mini cars, electric cars, quads, motor sleights, trailers, motorcycles and motor-scooters.
OCAP also realized special applications for the railway and oil sectors.
Tractors and earth-moving machines
The range of OCAP products destined to the tractors and earth-moving machines market can be divided into two main families: components for the suspension system and components for the steering system. What is in most cases common to both families is the presence on the various components of one or more ball joints, either integrated or non.
Our team of engineers, highly specialized in design, laboratory, testing and painting, allows us to offer a complete service for the development of new products and for the production of components that meet the most sophisticated standards required by our customers.
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