World Class Manufacturing

Starting from 2017 OCAP production plants adopted the World Class Manufacturing system, a structured, strict and integrated production methodology that involves the whole organization, from safety to environment, from maintenance to logistics and quality.

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The OCAP Group

OCAP can count on different production and distribution units.

The Holding, O.C.A.P. S.p.A., which includes only Direction, Supervision and Coordination functions, has its headquarters in Valperga (Turin), Italy.

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In the mid-70s, Ivano Giordano created a small handicraft company named O.CA.P. S.n.c. (acronym of “Officine Canavesane di Precisione”, meaning Precision Workshops of the Canavese area)

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The new Ocap steering and suspension range for truck is available in the catalogue


OCAP International, company specialized in the production of Steering and Suspension parts, enlarges its commercial offer with the launch of Shock Absorbers.

For this important project, OCAP has relied on an important Asian original equipment company, with whom the foundations have been laid for a corporate partnership to be realized during this year.

The range is composed of 500 part numbers, covering much of the current European vehicle park.

With this product OCAP intends to have a closer approach to customers, with an increasingly complete and selected commercial proposal.

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OCAP International, société spécialisée dans la production de pièces de liaison au sol, accroit son offre commerciale en introduisant la gamme des amortisseurs.

Pour cet important projet, OCAP a choisi de s’associé à un important producteur asiatique fournisseur en première monte de constructeurs de premier rang. OCAP et cette société productrice d’amortisseurs sont en discussion active pour définir une collaboration sociétaire qui se consolidera dans le cours de l’année.

La gamme, composée de 500 références, couvre une grande partie du parc circulant Européen.

Avec cette gamme de produit, OCAP entend démontrer encore une fois sa proximité des clients et du marché, avec une proposition toujours plus complète et sélectionnée.

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OCAP International, empresa líder en la producción y distribución de componentes de dirección y distribución para automóviles y vehículos industriales, amplía su oferta comercial, introduciendo en su cartera de productos la gama de Amortiguadores. Para la realización de este importante proyecto, OCAP cuenta con el apoyo de un importante actor asiático especialista en Primer Equipo, con el cual la empresa italiana va a firmar un acuerdo de alianza empresarial en el curso del 2021.

La gama consta de 500 artículos que cubren la mayoría del parque de vehículos europeos.

Con esta nueva línea de productos, OCAP vuelve a demostrar su proximidad al cliente, con una oferta cada vez más completa.

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OCAP wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Ciao Gianmarco
Carmine, Fabio, Michela e tutto il Team Ocap International salutano l’amico e collaboratore Gianmarco Giardulli ed esprimono il loro cordoglio ai suoi familiari.

“Non dire mai addio perché addio significa andare via e andare via significa dimenticare”

OCAP enlarges its product range with the introduction of the new line of Steering and Suspension for Truck.

The range is composed of about 500 items and includes the following product types:

  • Torque rods;
  • V-Torque rods;
  • Tie rod ends;
  • Tie rods;
  • Drag links;
  • Stabilizer links;
  • Repair kits.

The new range covers more than 90% of the European vehicle park and includes the most important applications: Daf, Iveco, Man, Mercedes, Nissan, Renault and Volvo.

OCAP, original equipment manufacturer also for industrial vehicles, designs, produces and tests its components according to the strict standards required for OE products.

The entire range is available on Tec Doc, Inforicambi and in the new catalogue that can be downloaded from the Ocap website.