World Class Manufacturing

Starting from 2017 OCAP production plants adopted the World Class Manufacturing system, a structured, strict and integrated production methodology that involves the whole organization, from safety to environment, from maintenance to logistics and quality.

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The OCAP Group

OCAP can count on different production and distribution units.

The Holding, O.C.A.P. S.p.A., which includes only Direction, Supervision and Coordination functions, has its headquarters in Valperga (Turin), Italy.

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In the mid-70s, Ivano Giordano created a small handicraft company named O.CA.P. S.n.c. (acronym of “Officine Canavesane di Precisione”, meaning Precision Workshops of the Canavese area)

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OCAP annonce son nouveau visuel publicitaire maintenant sur Algérie Rechange et le principal magazines automobile du Maghreb.
Ce nouveau visuel fait partie des investissements de communication 2020 qui impliqueront le papier et le digital afin de soutenir la notoriété de la marque OCAP dans la zone EMEA.

OCAP announces his new advertising visual now on Algérie Rechange and the main automotive magazines of Maghreb area.
This new visual is part of 2020 advertising investments that will involve paper and digital to support OCAP brand awareness in EMEA area.